Query option $filter

Use the $filter query option to filter the records. The expression specified with $filter is evaluated for each record in the collection, and only items where the expression evaluates to true are included in the response.

OData supports a set of built-in operators and functions that are used within $filter operations. For more information about available operators and built-in functions, see OData 4.01 Protocol.

Component Description

HTTP method




host – FileMaker Cloud or FileMaker Server host name

version – the OData version, always v4

database-name – the name of the hosted database

table-name - the name of the table

expression - criteria for each record that determines if the record is included in the results

Example: /fmi/odata/v4/ContactMgmt/Contacts?$filter=Title eq 'Manager' or startswith(Title,'Admin')

The request above uses the GET method and the $filter system query option to return records that contain Contacts with the title "Manager" or "Admin".

FileMaker information

  • For a list of unsupported built-in canonical functions and operators, see OData unsupported features.

  • Date, time, and timestamp formats conform to ISO 8601. Time zone offsets are relative to the time zone of the server.

  • Enclose field names that include special characters, such as spaces or underscores, in double-quotation marks.