Navigate related tables

You can navigate relationships between FileMaker tables without specifying the match fields for each relationship. All operations and results are associated with the last table in the URL.

Component Description

HTTP method




host – FileMaker Cloud or FileMaker Server host name

version – the OData version, always v4

database-name – the name of the hosted database

table-name - the name of the table

primary-key-value - the unique identifier value of the record

related-table - name of the related table

Example: /fmi/odata/v4/ContactMgmt/Customer('ALFKI')/Purchase

The request above returns all products purchased by a customer with the given ID.

FileMaker information

  • When using the $filter query option, field names are disambiguated by prepending the table name to the field name in the expression (for example, $filter=Purchase/ID eq 7).