For information about compatibility with FileMaker Platform clients, see Claris FileMaker 2024 Technical Specifications.
Version – January 2025
New features and enhancements
FileMaker WebDirect
The mobile browser pull-to-refresh option is now disabled by default.
The OnObjectKeystroke and OnLayoutKeystroke script triggers are now partially supported in FileMaker WebDirect. They activate only for the Return, Enter, and Escape keys. For OnObjectKeystroke, only an active field object with the edit box control style is supported.
OData now supports the
operation. -
OData now supports the
operator. -
OData now supports parameter aliases for key values and function parameter values. For example:
GET <host>/fmi/odata/v4/<database>/Purchase(@p1)?@p1='2%2F%5C'
OData now supports nesting
within other options. For example:-
GET <host>/fmi/odata/v4/<database>/Categories?$expand=Products&$select=Name,Products/Name
OData now supports
type casting. For example:-
GET <host>/fmi/odata/v4/<database>/Purchase(1)/Total/Edm.Int64
GET <host>/fmi/odata/v4/<database>/Purchase(1)/Total/Edm.String
GET <host>/fmi/odata/v4/<database>/Purchase?$filter=cast(Total,Edm.String) eq '6.99'
OData batch operations now support preferences that are inherited by sub-operations.
FileMaker Data API
When writing data, the FileMaker Data API and the Execute FileMaker Data API script step now support overriding the Prohibit modification of value during data entry option for auto-enter data in a field. In the request, set the new
key toscript
(ignore this auto-enter rule) oruser
(follow this auto-enter rule). -
When FileMaker Data API usage nears its limit, the FileMaker Cloud instance will now log the event.
The script schedules last status filter has been updated to include only the following possible status outcomes: Blank, Skipped, Succeeded, Failed, and Verify Failed.
You can now clear all notifications instead of only clearing them individually.
Updated libraries and packages
The AWS SDK for JavaScript has been updated to version 3.
OpenSSL has been upgraded to version 3.3.1.
Addressed issues
IP address filtering
When upgrading FileMaker Cloud instances, IP address filtering did not work until the instance was restarted.
For non-English locales, the
invalid IP address
message displayed two error strings instead of one.
Version 2.21 – FileMaker Cloud 2024
New features and enhancements
IP address filtering
To allow only clients with specific IP addresses to use your hosted apps, you can now add, edit, and delete their IP addresses in the IP address filter list in Admin Console.
You can also update the IP filter list in bulk by uploading the addresses in a comma-separated values (CSV) file. First, download a CSV file that includes these columns: Address, Suffix, Note. Then edit the CSV file and upload it, replacing the existing entries with those in the CSV file.
To use IP address filtering, you must also enable HTTPS Tunneling and Force HTTPS Tunneling in Admin Console. This then requires all FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go clients to enable HTTPS tunneling as well.
Note When IP address filtering is enabled, FileMaker Pro can't be used to create custom apps directly on a FileMaker Cloud host even if the client's IP address is on the list. You must use FileMaker Pro to create the app locally then upload it.
Force HTTPS tunneling
Previously, when you enabled HTTPS tunneling, tunneling was only enabled for client connections over port 443 instead of 5003 when FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go clients also had HTTPS tunneling enabled. Now you can enable Force HTTPS Tunneling in FileMaker Cloud Admin Console to accept only secure connections over port 443.
If this option is enabled, then all clients must enable HTTPS tunneling as well. See Changing general settings (FileMaker Pro Help) and Enable HTTPS tunneling to hosts (FileMaker Go Help).
You can now filter backups by label and timestamp.
Previously, backups for deleted files had .delete added to the end of the filename. Now, they have the deleted file's most recent filename; the "Deleted on" column indicates that the file had been deleted and when.
Admin Console
To clear all notifications and backup messages instead of clearing them individually, you can now click the Clear All Messages button in the Backup Message Center in the Backups tab.
You can now restart the server on the Configuration > General Settings tab.
Updated libraries and packages
The following Node.js packages have been updated:
@babel, @types, aws-sdk, body-parser, braces, busboy, bytes, cookiejar, ejs,, express, fill-range, http-errors, mochawesome, passport, qs, raw-body,, toidentifier, xml2js
Angular has been updated to version 16.
The deprecated swagger-tools Node.js package has been replaced with the @jeffe95/swagger-tools package.
Addressed issues
Japanese language only: In an Admin Console notification, when the filename was long, "Status" and "Download" were wrapped for file downloads.
In some cases, Log Viewer misformatted the displayed logs, moving the timestamp instead to the message text.
In FileMaker WebDirect, when creating a PDF from a layout, characters formatted with the Helvetica font were not included in PDF output.
In Admin Console, when filtering databases and backups by filename, typing a double-byte character caused the filter to return everything.
New features and enhancements
HTTPS tunneling is now supported by FileMaker Cloud. In Admin Console > Configuration > FileMaker Clients, secure connection tunneling can now be enabled over port 443 instead of port 5003 for FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go. Make sure to also enable the corresponding HTTPS Tunneling option in FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go. See Enabling HTTPS tunneling in FileMaker Cloud Help.
Addressed issues
Using a script to print FileMaker WebDirect layouts to PDF failed to render some text in the PDFs appropriately because some fonts were missing.
The database server stopped responding when updating databases with the FileMaker Admin API update call.
Scheduled weekly auto maintenance was not performed in some cases.
Admin Console stopped responding when auto maintenance was scheduled and there was no timezone set for the auto maintenance start time.
New features and enhancements
This release includes in-product notifications which allow us to share our latest news with you directly in FileMaker Cloud.
FileMaker Cloud instances are now ARM-based which can lead to performance improvements.
The new FileMaker Admin API GET databases/download/{db_id} endpoint allows you to download a database by database ID.
In Admin Console, the Logs page includes the Collapse Side Bar and Expand Side Bar buttons that allow you view logs across the whole width of the page or to return to normal view.
FileMaker WebDirect: The mobile browser pull-to-refresh option is now disabled by default.
Custom apps uploaded to FileMaker Cloud now support artificial intelligence script steps and functions.
Addressed issues
Ubuntu: Saving container data as a PDF caused system memory to be used but not released.
In some edge cases, FileMaker Cloud instances failed to restart.
In some cases the server.pem file was either not created or not used.
In some cases FileMaker Cloud was vulnerable to arbitrary code execution when compiling specifically crafted malicious code.
GnuTLS errors were returned when performing the Insert from URL script step on the server.
FileMaker WebDirect: In some cases, the CSS for a layout did not completely load, resulting in layout objects not rendering and/or functioning as expected.
FileMaker Server databases stopped responding or closed unexpectedly when errors appeared in temporary database files.
This update provides a number of important security fixes.
A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attack was made possible due to returned login errors not being HTML encoded.
Version 2.20 – FileMaker Cloud 2023
New features and enhancements
In Admin Console > Configuration > General Settings, you can now change the time frame for daily automatic maintenance (Auto Maintenance Settings), allowing you to schedule maintenance when users will not be connected to the instance.
In Admin Console > Configuration > General Settings, you can now enable weekly automatic maintenance (Auto Maintenance Settings). Enabling weekly automatic maintenance allows you to choose a day of the week to force the maintenance, during which all databases are stopped, all scripts are stopped, and all users are disconnected. Databases restart and users may reconnect after the weekly maintenance is complete. Daily automatic maintenance will continue to run on schedule.
When restoring a database or downloading a backup, FileMaker Cloud now displays the progress.
Performance has been improved for downloading databases and backups as archived zip files.
In Admin Console > Backups > Backup Settings, you can now tailor backup configurations to suit your needs. This includes:
Deleted Databases Retention Policy: The default retention time for deleted databases has been reduced from 30 days to a maximum of 15 days, with a customizable range from 1 to 15 days. This change optimizes S3 storage usage and improves backup list loading performance.
Backups Retention Policy: The retention time for backups remains at 30 days, with a customizable range from 1 to 30 days. To optionally optimize S3 storage usage and improve backup list loading performance if users decide to reduce the retention policy.
Download Unencrypted Backups: You can now enable the download of unencrypted backups, ensuring all backups are unencrypted when downloaded. This feature facilitates runtime decryption for downloadable backups so there's no need to retrieve an EAR (encryption at rest) key. This only affects backups; downloading files from Admin Console > Databases is unchanged.
In Admin Console > Backups, you can now perform backups on demand by clicking Back Up Now.
In Admin Console > Backups > Backup Message Center, you can access real-time status updates on backup restoration tasks. This enhancement includes:
Progress Monitoring: You can monitor the progress of backup restoration tasks, which is particularly useful for downloading large backup files. This makes it easier to check when tasks are completed.
Task Categorization: The message center provides the following task categories that show the filename, time the task began, and status:
In Progress/Success: Tasks in progress or completed without errors. When download tasks are successful, you can download the backup.
Failed Task: Tasks that encountered errors or were interrupted, allowing you to retry failed tasks efficiently.
Addressed issues
When using an OAuth 2.0 provider to send email, the email wasn't sent, and an error was returned saying the access token couldn't be generated. This happened when FileMaker Pro tried to send email or when FileMaker Server tried to send email notifications.
When downloading logs from Admin Console, the archived logs failed to download.
When directly downloading databases, if the storage was not mounted, the download failed to start. Now the storage mount is attempted if not already mounted.
FileMaker script changes were not immediately available to FileMaker Data API clients until the FileMaker Data API session ended.
FileMaker Admin API incorrectly displayed version 2.19 for FileMaker Cloud version 2.20.
New features and enhancements
In Admin Console > Backups, you can now download backup for any backup type. In Admin Console > Backups > Deleted File, you can also now restore and show encrypted passwords for deleted files.
Old logs are now rotated, kept for an extended period, and are accessible to download from Admin Console.
The Admin API GET serverinfo call has been optimized to prevent repeatedly querying values that will not change.
Addressed issues
In some extreme cases, restarting an instance of FileMaker Cloud failed to complete.
After an upgrade FileMaker Cloud instances incorrectly restarted twice within a few minutes.
FileMaker Pro 19.6.1 was unable to connect to FileMaker Cloud.
Connecting to FileMaker Cloud using FileMaker Pro failed to open hosted apps due to corrupted local cache files.
FileMaker Pro connections to FileMaker Cloud failed to reconnect when the local computer went to sleep and then was awoken from sleep.
Database sign in was incorrectly required the second time a hosted file was connected to using FileMaker Pro if the "ForceReconnectSyncOfEverything" option was enabled on the local computer.
Signing using external identity providers with upper case emails incorrectly displayed an error message instead of signing into valid accounts.
Addressed issues
This update provides a number of important security fixes.
New features and enhancements
In Admin Console > Backups > Hosted File and Deleted File, you can now restore backups by filename. You can choose which database to restore, then select which timestamp to restore.
Addressed issues
In FileMaker Cloud Admin Console, downloading a FileMaker Pro file failed when the filename contained a double-byte character, such as a Japanese, Korean, or Chinese character.
Downloading FileMaker Pro files in Admin Console stopped working after a few successful downloads.
New features and enhancements
The Subscription tab in FileMaker Cloud Admin Console is removed. To manage your subscription, use the Subscription tab in Claris Customer Console.
Addressed issues
The label for preserved backups inadvertently displayed Arabic characters.
New features and enhancements
Functions and scripts
The ReadQRCode function is now available to use on FileMaker Cloud.
The Execute FileMaker Data API script step now supports the
parameter. -
Scripts run on FileMaker Cloud now support the Set Error Logging script step.
The Save Records as PDF script step is now supported for the FileMaker Data API.
FileMaker Cloud now stores the script events in the scriptEvent.log file instead of the Event.log file. You can view and download the scriptEvent.log file using the Logs tab in Admin Console.
Vaadin has been updated to version 8.18.0. Java has been updated to use version 17.
Ubuntu: The Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 is now installed instead of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
is now included in the$metadata response
. The$schemaversion
query option can now be used to determine whether the schema has changed, since a request for a non-current schema version will be rejected. -
OData now supports the PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE $ref operations. It also supports aliases.
New client connections are now blocked for databases in the process of being closed.
You can now filter and sort the list of script schedules in Admin Console.
Addressed issues
FileMaker WebDirect
Summary parts occasionally were not displayed when sorting records if there were no Body parts on the layout.
List View objects didn't refresh when there were no records in a found set.
In List View, the Footer part occasionally wasn't displayed during the initial layout load if a Navigation part existed.
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability is resolved.
FileMaker Data API
Table names were missing from responses to the FileMaker Data API layout names requests.
The FileMaker Data API returned the incorrect
values for portals when the initial row setting in the portal was greater than the number of records in the portal. -
The FileMaker Data API returned incorrect metadata about layouts with repeating fields.
Some OData query options returned errors if table names or field names contained Japanese characters.
Line feeds in fields were not returned as "\n" and caused JSON parsing errors.
Using the Set Session Identifier script step heavily to change session names caused the fmshelper process memory to increase unnecessarily.
When a schedule failed, the timestamp for the Last Run value incorrectly reflected the last time the schedule completed successfully instead of the last time the schedule failed.
Summary field content was missing when the hosted file data sources were set from the content of a global variable.
Serial numbers were incorrectly incremented during a reverted transaction, and then serial numbers ceased to increment for normal record creation.
Script triggers such as OnRecordCommit were not executed when called while a script transaction was running.
Scheduled FileMaker scripts failed to run when a FileMaker scripts folder and a FileMaker script used the same name.
Indexes created during transactions failed to include deleted records, even if the transactions were reverted.
The GetContainerAttribute function returned a different date format than expected when performed on the server.
Some trailing characters in fields were not exported when creating CSV files with FileMaker Cloud.
Records failed to import from CSV files containing Shift JIS encoded data.
The GetContainerAttribute function was unable to return photo details when calculated from the server.
The Admin Console sign-in page didn't automatically refresh the browser after a version upgrade.
The Hosts page in Claris Customer Console didn't change the status of the instance to Online after clicking Restart Cloud Compute Temporarily.
Admin Console: An exception occurred when the client IP address was not accessible.
APIs, technologies, or features to be deprecated
As FileMaker Cloud evolves, the list of supported technologies, APIs, and features will change. As part of this evolution, certain operating systems versions, hardware, and features may be deprecated in favor of newer ones. Although deprecation does not mean the immediate deletion of an item, you should migrate your solution away from deprecated technologies, because these technologies may be removed in a future version of the product.
For the latest information about deprecated APIs, technologies, and features, search the Knowledge Base.