About silent installations (Linux)

After you update the customized personalization file, launch the assisted installation from the Linux CLI.

  1. Create the Assisted Install.txt file with your preferences. See Customize the personalization file.

  2. To begin the assisted installation, enter:

    Ubuntu: $ sudo FM_ASSISTED_INSTALL=path apt install package_path/filemaker-server_version.build_amd64.deb

    CentOS: $ sudo FM_ASSISTED_INSTALL=path yum install filemaker_server-version-build.x86_64.rpm


    path is the location of the customized personalization file

    package_path is the location of the Linux installer

    version is the version number the FileMaker Server for Linux installer

    build is the build number of the FileMaker Server for Linux installer

Note  You must specify the package path for Ubuntu, but it is optional for CentOS.

Important  FileMaker Server requires that ports 80 and 443 be available on the user’s machine. If they are not available, the software will not install.